My Empire 

Shot using time-lapse photography on 16 mm film over a period of six years, Ted Ciesielski's My Empire keeps a solitary watch over the Empire State Building, conjuring up impressions of both the human ingenuity that built it and the human excess that it represents.

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Ted Cieselski, Director

With an M.A. in Cinematography from the Lodz Film Academy, Ted Ciesielski has worked on documentaries throughout Europe and China for public television and gallery installations. He specializes in stop animation and time-lapse photography. His collaborators include Maysles Films, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, and Ron Fricke. He is currently working on a feature with Sinnel Sandoval..

Credits (full credits available on IMDB):

Executive Producers
Ramin Fathie, Steven A. Williams, Tiffany Calhoun

Sinnel Sandoval & Masiej Ciesielski

Ted Cieselski

Piotr Kajstura & Renee Forbes

Original Music
Andrzej Mika

A Production of Viceroy Films and Ted Cieselski

...conjures up impressions of both the human ingenuity that built it and the human excess that it represents.
— Tribeca Film Festival